My research agenda covers three broad themes: International trade, in particular its political economy and connection with foreign policy, the spatial dimension of international trade and migration, often in the context of the so-called gravity equation, and applied econometrics. My work is characterized by policy-relevant research questions that make use of state-of-the-art quantitative methods often involving big data, as well as devising and implementing econometric techniques to handle such types of data.Published papers
- 2024
Shooting down trade: Firm-level effects of embargoes
— with Uğur Aytun and Cem Özgüzel. Kiel Working Papers, 2277, November 2024. Accepted for publication in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.
Brothers in arms: The value of coalitions in sanctions regimes
— with Sonali Chowdhry, Katrin Kamin and Joschka Wanner. Economic Policy, 39 (118): 471–512, April 2024.
- 2023
The Ties that Bind: Geopolitical Motivations for Economic Integration
. Review of World Economics, 159 (1): 51–100, February 2023.
- 2022
Bearing the cost of politics: Consumer prices and welfare in Russia
— with Evgenii Monastyrenko. Journal of International Economics, 137: 103581, July 2022.
- 2021
Après-ski: The Spread of Coronavirus from Ischgl through Germany
— with Gabriel Felbermayr and Sonali Chowdhry. German Economic Review, 22 (4): 415–446, November 2021.
Worth the pain? Firms' exporting behaviour to countries under sanctions
— with Matthieu Crozet, Amrei Stammann and Joschka Wanner. European Economic Review, 134: 103683, January 2021.
- 2020
Critically Important: The Heterogeneous Effect of Diplomatic Tensions on Trade
— with Elsa Leromain. Review of Industrial Organization, 57 (2): 309–331, July 2020.
Friendly Fire: The Trade Impact of the Russia Sanctions and Counter-Sanctions
— with Matthieu Crozet. Economic Policy, 35 (101): 97–146, May 2020.
- 2024
- Shooting down trade: Firm-level effects of embargoes — with Uğur Aytun and Cem Özgüzel. Kiel Working Papers, 2277, November 2024. Accepted for publication in the Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. details link
- Brothers in arms: The value of coalitions in sanctions regimes — with Sonali Chowdhry, Katrin Kamin and Joschka Wanner. Economic Policy, 39 (118): 471–512, April 2024. details link
- 2023
- The Ties that Bind: Geopolitical Motivations for Economic Integration . Review of World Economics, 159 (1): 51–100, February 2023. details link
- 2022
- Bearing the cost of politics: Consumer prices and welfare in Russia — with Evgenii Monastyrenko. Journal of International Economics, 137: 103581, July 2022. details link
- 2021
- Après-ski: The Spread of Coronavirus from Ischgl through Germany — with Gabriel Felbermayr and Sonali Chowdhry. German Economic Review, 22 (4): 415–446, November 2021. details link
- Worth the pain? Firms' exporting behaviour to countries under sanctions — with Matthieu Crozet, Amrei Stammann and Joschka Wanner. European Economic Review, 134: 103683, January 2021. details link
- 2020
- Critically Important: The Heterogeneous Effect of Diplomatic Tensions on Trade — with Elsa Leromain. Review of Industrial Organization, 57 (2): 309–331, July 2020. details link
- Friendly Fire: The Trade Impact of the Russia Sanctions and Counter-Sanctions — with Matthieu Crozet. Economic Policy, 35 (101): 97–146, May 2020. details link
Working Papers
To Russia with Love? The Impact of Sanctions on Regime Support
— with Robert Gold and Michele Valsecchi. CESifo Working Paper No. 11033, March 2024. Revise and resubmit at the Journal of the European Economic Association.
Blowback: The Effect of Sanctions on Democratic Election
— with Matthieu Crozet. Kiel Working Papers, 2247, December 2023.
Exchange Rate Pass-Around
— with Matthieu Crozet and Federico Trionfetti. Kiel Working Papers, 2246, April 2023. Reject and resubmit at Journal of Political Economy Macroeconomics.
The View from Space: Theory-based Time-varying Distances in the Gravity Model
. Update coming soon.
latest draft
State Dependence and Unobserved Heterogeneity in the Extensive Margin of Trade
— with Amrei Stammann and Joschka Wanner. CEPA Discussion Papers, 31, July 2021.
Separating the Wheat from the Chaff: Fast Estimation of GLMs with High-Dimensional Fixed Effects
— with Alexander Hudletz and Joschka Wanner. Eternal working paper.
latest draft
Measuring Venezuelan Emigration with Twitter
— with Ricardo Hausmann and Muhammed A. Yıldırım. Eternal working paper.
- To Russia with Love? The Impact of Sanctions on Regime Support — with Robert Gold and Michele Valsecchi. CESifo Working Paper No. 11033, March 2024. Revise and resubmit at the Journal of the European Economic Association. details link
- Blowback: The Effect of Sanctions on Democratic Election — with Matthieu Crozet. Kiel Working Papers, 2247, December 2023. details
- Exchange Rate Pass-Around — with Matthieu Crozet and Federico Trionfetti. Kiel Working Papers, 2246, April 2023. Reject and resubmit at Journal of Political Economy Macroeconomics. details link
- The View from Space: Theory-based Time-varying Distances in the Gravity Model . Update coming soon. details latest draft
- State Dependence and Unobserved Heterogeneity in the Extensive Margin of Trade — with Amrei Stammann and Joschka Wanner. CEPA Discussion Papers, 31, July 2021. details link
- Separating the Wheat from the Chaff: Fast Estimation of GLMs with High-Dimensional Fixed Effects — with Alexander Hudletz and Joschka Wanner. Eternal working paper. details latest draft
- Measuring Venezuelan Emigration with Twitter — with Ricardo Hausmann and Muhammed A. Yıldırım. Eternal working paper. details link
Selected work-in-progress
Firm-level Gravity with Fixed Effects
— with Uğur Aytun, Cem Özgüzel and Joschka Wanner.
Success and geography in the weightless economy: Evidence from open-source software
— with Gábor Békés, Miklós Koren and Aaron Lohmann.
Frictions to intranational investment
— with Inga Heiland.
Frictions impede assortative matching in a global market for talent
— with Keith Head.
- Firm-level Gravity with Fixed Effects — with Uğur Aytun, Cem Özgüzel and Joschka Wanner. details
- Success and geography in the weightless economy: Evidence from open-source software — with Gábor Békés, Miklós Koren and Aaron Lohmann. details
- Frictions to intranational investment — with Inga Heiland. details
- Frictions impede assortative matching in a global market for talent — with Keith Head.
Book Chapters
- 2024
What if? The Effects of a Hard Decoupling from China on the German Economy
— with David Baqaee, Benjamin Moll, Moritz Schularick, Feodora Teti, Joschka Wanner and Sihwan Yang. in "Paris Report 2: Europe's Economic Security", Jean Pisani-Ferry, Beatrice Weder di Mauro, and Jeromin Zettelmeyer (eds), CEPR Press, Paris & London. May 2024.
- 2019
Cost of Sanctions: Estimating Lost Trade with Gravity
. In Disrupted Economic Relationships, CESifo Seminar Series at MIT Press, V. Nitsch and T. Besedeš eds.
- 2024
- What if? The Effects of a Hard Decoupling from China on the German Economy — with David Baqaee, Benjamin Moll, Moritz Schularick, Feodora Teti, Joschka Wanner and Sihwan Yang. in "Paris Report 2: Europe's Economic Security", Jean Pisani-Ferry, Beatrice Weder di Mauro, and Jeromin Zettelmeyer (eds), CEPR Press, Paris & London. May 2024. details link
- 2019
- Cost of Sanctions: Estimating Lost Trade with Gravity . In Disrupted Economic Relationships, CESifo Seminar Series at MIT Press, V. Nitsch and T. Besedeš eds. details link
- 2022
Sanctions coalitions: Stronger together
— with Sonali Chowdhry, Katrin Kamin and Joschka Wanner. VoxEU.
- 2021
Firms’ exporting behaviour to countries under sanctions
— with Matthieu Crozet, Amrei Stammann and Joschka Wanner. VoxEU.
- 2018
Venezuelans Deserve Refugee Status
— with Ricardo Hausmann. Project Syndicate.
- 2017
Transpazifische Partnerschaft TPP: Totgeglaubte leben länger
. Wirtschaftsdienst.
- 2016
- 2022
- Sanctions coalitions: Stronger together — with Sonali Chowdhry, Katrin Kamin and Joschka Wanner. VoxEU. link
- 2021
- Firms’ exporting behaviour to countries under sanctions — with Matthieu Crozet, Amrei Stammann and Joschka Wanner. VoxEU. link
- 2018
- Venezuelans Deserve Refugee Status — with Ricardo Hausmann. Project Syndicate. link
- 2017
- Transpazifische Partnerschaft TPP: Totgeglaubte leben länger . Wirtschaftsdienst. link
- 2016
Policy Reports
- 2021
Perspektiven einer erfolgreichen europäischen Handelspolitik im Kontext geopolitischer Herausforderungen
— with Gabriel Felbermayr, Katrin Kamin, Sonali Chowdhry, Anna-Katharina Jacobs, Sandra Kill and Alexander Sandkamp. IfW Studie.
Big Data in der makroökonomischen Analyse
— with Martin Ademmer, Joscha Beckmann, Eckhardt Bode, Jens Boysen-Hogrefe, Manuel Funke, Philipp Hauber, Tobias Heidland, Nils Jannsen, Stefan Kooths, Mareike Söder, Vincent Stamer and Ulrich Stolzenburg. Kieler Beiträge zur Wirtschaftspolitik. No. 32, Institut für Weltwirtschaft (IfW), Kiel..
- 2020
Datenmonitor global — Wie die Corona-Krise die Länder des globalen Südens trifft
— with Katrin Kamin, Jakob Kutsch, Hendrik Mahlkow and Vincent Stamer. IfW Studie im Auftrag des Auswärtigen Amtes.
The Economic Costs of War by Other Means
— with Sonali Chowdhry, Gabriel Felbermayr, Katrin Kamin, Anna-Katharina Jacobs and Hendrik Mahlkow. Kiel Policy Brief, No. 147, Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW), Kiel..
Bodenbildung in der Binnenwirtschaft, Kollaps des Welthandels
— with Gabriel Felbermayr, Hendrik Mahlkow and Vincent Stamer. Kiel Policy Briefs, Spezial Corona-Update 2.
Germany's economy in times of the Corona Lockdown
— with Gabriel Felbermayr and Hendrik Mahlkow. Kiel Policy Briefs, Spezial Corona-Update 1.
- 2017
Russia’s and the EU’s Sanctions. Economic and Trade Effects, Compliance and the Way Forward
— with Elisabeth Christen, Oliver Fritz and Franz Sinabell.
- 2016
Auswirkungen der Wirtschaftssanktionen der EU und Russlands auf Wertschöpfung und Beschäftigung in Österreich und der EU
— with Elisabeth Christen, Oliver Fritz and Gerhard Streicher.
Sanctions et embargos : quels impacts sur le commerce de la france vers la russie ?
— with Matthieu Crozet. La lettre du CEPII.
- 2021
- Perspektiven einer erfolgreichen europäischen Handelspolitik im Kontext geopolitischer Herausforderungen — with Gabriel Felbermayr, Katrin Kamin, Sonali Chowdhry, Anna-Katharina Jacobs, Sandra Kill and Alexander Sandkamp. IfW Studie. link
- Big Data in der makroökonomischen Analyse — with Martin Ademmer, Joscha Beckmann, Eckhardt Bode, Jens Boysen-Hogrefe, Manuel Funke, Philipp Hauber, Tobias Heidland, Nils Jannsen, Stefan Kooths, Mareike Söder, Vincent Stamer and Ulrich Stolzenburg. Kieler Beiträge zur Wirtschaftspolitik. No. 32, Institut für Weltwirtschaft (IfW), Kiel.. link
- 2020
- Datenmonitor global — Wie die Corona-Krise die Länder des globalen Südens trifft — with Katrin Kamin, Jakob Kutsch, Hendrik Mahlkow and Vincent Stamer. IfW Studie im Auftrag des Auswärtigen Amtes. link
- The Economic Costs of War by Other Means — with Sonali Chowdhry, Gabriel Felbermayr, Katrin Kamin, Anna-Katharina Jacobs and Hendrik Mahlkow. Kiel Policy Brief, No. 147, Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW), Kiel.. link
- Bodenbildung in der Binnenwirtschaft, Kollaps des Welthandels — with Gabriel Felbermayr, Hendrik Mahlkow and Vincent Stamer. Kiel Policy Briefs, Spezial Corona-Update 2. link
- Germany's economy in times of the Corona Lockdown — with Gabriel Felbermayr and Hendrik Mahlkow. Kiel Policy Briefs, Spezial Corona-Update 1. link
- 2017
- Russia’s and the EU’s Sanctions. Economic and Trade Effects, Compliance and the Way Forward — with Elisabeth Christen, Oliver Fritz and Franz Sinabell. link
- 2016
- Auswirkungen der Wirtschaftssanktionen der EU und Russlands auf Wertschöpfung und Beschäftigung in Österreich und der EU — with Elisabeth Christen, Oliver Fritz and Gerhard Streicher. link
- Sanctions et embargos : quels impacts sur le commerce de la france vers la russie ? — with Matthieu Crozet. La lettre du CEPII. link
Last updated on January 29, 2025. © Julian Hinz 1987–2025.