KITE with Hendrik Mahlkow and Joschka Wanner.
The KITE model package provides a tool for simulating and estimating various types of (trade) policy changes. The underlying model uses a computable general equilibrium (CGE) framework of the type that is commonly described as “New Quantitative Trade Model”. The package allows the user to run different models within the same quantitative framework. Included models are:
Caliendo, Lorenzo, and Fernando Parro. 2015. “Estimates of the Trade and Welfare Effects of NAFTA.” The Review of Economic Studies 82 (1): 1–44.
Sonali Chowdhry, Julian Hinz, Katrin Kamin and Joschka Wanner. 2024. “Brothers in arms: The value of coalitions in sanctions regimes.” Economic Policy, forthcoming.
Install from Github via the remotes package:
For more details and usage examples check out the KITE Github repository.
Last updated on January 29, 2025. © Julian Hinz 1987–2025.